My eyes hurt…

…from crying for the past hour.

They killed off Candy Ferocity on Pose!!!! No! WHY?! ?

OMFG!!!  BEST episode of Pose YET! I didn’t want to believe it was real. I thought it was going to be a dream-sequence sort of thing. And then at the memorial service it hit Me that it REALLY happened. And it was SO beautiful how they handled it because death is such a heavy subject. The unbearable grief, the finality, the regrets…just so fucking real. Life IS so precious, we all lose loved ones and I think the pain of the loss is always there. The ending was unexpected, but incredible (and in true Pose fashion) and uplifting and I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE this show.

However, it’s still a shame the show lost this character. RIP Candy:

“A beautiful little cocoon” ?