I just thought of this….

So I’m working on the update and I’m looking at My lovely, shapely legs in black FF nylons and I can’t help but remember this email I got years ago. It was so ridiculous that I guess it made it unforgettable. It was from a guy who was a member of My lingerie site at the time and I guess he just felt compelled to give his opinion. He had a preference for beige and nude colored stockings and he told Me that My legs looked perfect in them, but My legs looked AWFUL in black stockings. Seriously. He really said that. Same exact pair of legs but they magically look ‘awful’ in a different stocking color. I’m guessing he was hoping that by telling Me that I’d never wear black stockings again. Well that backfired on him because I ended up wearing MORE black stockings!  What a dumb asshole!  LOL