
This isn’t anything new…..

I have been online since December of 1994 and I’ve watched the internet evolve from something more underground (not everyone and their brother was online, like they are now) to what it is today. Back then it was AOL, CompuServe, MSN and today it’s Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. I’ve seen YouTube videos that I don’t think the person (or persons) being recorded gave their consent or was even aware. But with the ease of video cameras on Smartphones, you can record someone so inconspicuously.

My boyfriend and I were out somewhere and there was a guy with his teenage sons nearby and the guy wasn’t watching his kids. He was facing Me and I got the distinct feeling (just the way he was holding his phone) that he was recording Me. It felt creepy as fuck. But this is the world we live in now.

More to come on this topic……