hahahahaha! ME TOO!!

Well, it wasn’t bible study, it was Sunday School and I know I pissed off a few of My teachers for the very same reason. At the time I didn’t really understand the (negative) reaction I was getting for asking questions about the bible stories fairy tales they were trying to feed us. I remember one of them was about ‘turning the other cheek’ and I wanted to know WHY you would do that when someone has hurt you, why would you submissively allow them to hurt you more?? Why would you “give them the other cheek”? I wasn’t given an explanation and My Sunday school teacher wasn’t welcoming to any discussion about it. Why?? (Oh I know why……..) And when I tried to press on about it, she told Me if I kept asking that she would get My father. (Nice…..) I thought My dad would have been pissed at the time (he probably would have), so I dropped it.

BUT…..from that day forward I was done with religion. I’m just supposed to drink the kool-aid and not question anything?  Nah, I’m good!  lol

I’m astounded that there are people on this beautiful blue/green planet of ours that really think you must believe in some ‘guy in the sky’ in order to be a decent human being. Otherwise, you know, you need people pounding on your door with their little pamphlets, telling you that you need to be saved.

And as for the other cheek thing, I’ve never believed in putting energy into something as negative as revenge. One of My FAVORITE quotes ever is:

“The best revenge is a life well lived”.

And karma….. ?   HAHAHAHAHA  ?